

Born in Long Beach, Calif. on Nov. 21, 1992. Son of Crystal Dixon and Waymon Brown. Has two older brothers, Loren and Michael, and one younger sister Kennedi.  majored in Criminal Justice

Professional Career

2018: Played in the National Arena League for the Massachusetts Pirates. Played and started 15 Games. Recorded 54 Receptions 1,054 Yards and 25 Touchdowns averaging 19.6 Yards a catch. Was named 1st Team all Arena League.

2017: Played in the Indoor Football League for the Spokane Empire. Played in 14 games earning 10 starts. Recorded 39 receptions 519 yards and 10 touchdowns.

2016: Played in the Canadian Football League for the British Columbia Lions.

College Career

Played in 23 games, earning 15 starts during his career at Lamar University 2014-2015. Finished his career with 59 receptions for 906 yards (15.4 ypr) and eight touchdowns also returned 26 kicks for 449 yards.

2015 (Senior): Recorded three 100-yard receiving games. Hauled in 26 passes for 514 yards and five touchdowns. Caught five passes for 130 yards and two touchdowns at Houston Baptist. Had three receptions for 108 yards at Northwestern State. Caught four passes for 101 yards and a score in the victory at Sam Houston State. Also recorded touchdown grabs against Abilene Christian and McNeese State.

2014 (Junior): Played in 12 games earning four starts. Finished third on the team with 33 catches for 392 yards and three touchdowns also carried the ball twice for 10 yards and a touchdown. Returned 26 kicks 449 yards. Caught a season-high seven passes for 62 yards, and carried the ball once for two yards. Hauled in five passes for 88 yards and returned a kick for 17 yards against Sam Houston State Caught a 30-yard pass for a touchdown in the season-opener Had five receptions for 64 yards and a touchdown in the victory over Mississippi College. Caught three passes for 39 yards and a score against Houston Baptist. Returned six kicks for 103 yards against Southeastern Louisiana.

2013 (Sophomore): Redshirted.

Riverside City College: Played in 2011 and 2012 he was a second-team All-Central Conference selection by the Southern California Football Association in 2012. led RCC with 52 catches for 806 yards and 10 touchdowns as a sophomore. In 2011 had Four catches 96yards and a pair of touchdowns

High School

Helped lead team to a 14-1 overall record, a league title and the CIF Southern Section Inland Championship as a senior in 2010 caught 31 passes for 623 yards, averaging 20.1 yards per catch with four touchdowns in 2010.

2018 Massachusetts Pirates film https://youtu.be/FpQCHVWD3GU

Scout Film

2016 BC Lions Film